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Tesla reveals new battery design that could last 100 years

2022-05-26 16:36 by
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Tesla's battery research arm based in Canada published a paper earlier this month that provides details of a battery design that could serve us for 100 years. Reported first by Electrek, this development has been in collaboration with one of the world's leading experts on battery technology, Jeff Dahn, who is currently part of the Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada.

They describe a new nickel-based battery that would retain comparable charging and energy density to lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery cells even after 100 years if temperature-controlled to 25 °C.

Dahn is hailed as one of the pioneers of lithium-ion battery cells and has helped to increase their life cycle and thus commercialization. These new batteries are supposedly the best of both worlds, competing with the longevity of LFP battery cells while retaining the higher energy density associated with nickel-based batteries.

"NMC cells, particularly those balanced and charged to 3.8 V, show better coulombic efficiency, less capacity fade and higher energy density compared to LFP cells and are projected to yield lifetimes approaching a century at 25 °C," the study authors wrote.

Existing technology for EV batteries can only create cells that last up to 20 years or around 200,000 miles before their capacity drops too low to power a vehicle. However, by creating a new nickel-based battery that can last five times as long, Tesla and the researchers working on the new project hope to make EVs even more lucrative compared to gas guzzlers. That would be especially true as the new technology would retain the favorable properties of nickel-based batteries, including higher energy density.

Read more -here-


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