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U.S. blacklists Kaspersky antivirus as a risk to national security

2022-03-29 15:48 by
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Antimalware provider Kaspersky Lab has been blacklisted by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, adding its name alongside Huawei and ZTE as companies that are deemed a threat to national security. The so-called Covered List includes companies "that are deemed to pose an unacceptable risk to the national security of the United States or the security and safety of United States persons," the commission explains, typically because of their connections to foreign governments.

Kaspersky, which was already banned from all US government networks, was one of three firms added to the covered list on Friday. China Mobile and China Telecom were the other two.

"I am pleased that our national security agencies agreed with my assessment that China Mobile and China Telecom appeared to meet the threshold necessary to add these entities to our list," FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr said. "Their addition, as well as Kaspersky Labs, will help secure our networks from threats posed by Chinese and Russian state backed entities seeking to engage in espionage and otherwise harm America's interests."

Kaspersky responded to the FCC's move in a press release on its site, saying the agency's decision was "made on political grounds" in light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and that the company "remains ready to cooperate with US government agencies to address the FCC's and any other regulatory agency's concerns."

Read more -here-


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