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Nvidia hit with potentially major cyberattack

2022-02-25 19:16 by
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Nvidia appears to have been hit with a potential cyber attack this week, which has reportedly "completely compromised" parts of its business, forcing the tech giant to take some services offline.

Specifically, the company has been dealing with outages across its email system and developer tools. The company says it does believe it is the victim of a malicious attack. However, it has not yet indicated a potential culprit. The company is not making clear whether or not data has been stolen or erased in the wake of the attack.

"We are investigating an incident. Our business and commercial activities continue uninterrupted. We are still working to evaluate the nature and scope of the event and don't have any additional information to share at this time," an NVIDIA spokesperson said on Friday.

Nvidia is best known for making graphics processors, but it has established itself in other critical areas like machine learning and cloud services, giving the company larger national security exposure than in the past.

So far, it isn't known if anything was taken from Nvidia servers or if the disruption was purely that, disruption for the sake of disruption.

Read more -here-


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