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Motorola showcases new true wireless charging tech

2021-09-08 17:05 by
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Motorola is showing off new technology that promises to wirelessly recharge a smartphone up to 10 feet away through the air.

The company says its new solution uses 1,600 antennas to detect and charge up to 4 devices simultaneously as long as they're within 3 meters (close to 10 feet) of the charger and lined up within a 100-degree angle of the charging system.

That's about three times the distance Motorola was demonstrating earlier this year, and Motorola says its wireless charging system can deliver power through small objects like pieces of paper. And it's smart enough to detect human bodies so that charging can be paused temporarily if you walk past and don't feel like having electricity beamed at you.

Unfortunately, Motorola does not say when its Air Charging solution will be commercialized. Interestingly, it does not even mention GuRu Wireless, Inc., a company that's responsible for this technology.

Read more -here-


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