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Google, YouTube unveil new safety features for kids

2021-08-10 18:24 by


Google is rolling out a series of updates to YouTube and its search feature aimed at increasing safety for kids and teens on its platforms, the tech giant announced Tuesday.

On YouTube, default privacy settings for users aged 13 to 17 will be the "most private option available," which only lets content be seen by the user and whomever they choose. Teen users can make their content public by changing the default upload visibility setting, according to a YouTube blog post.

To address the commercial content on YouTube Kids, YouTube is taking another look at content on the platform to remove "overly commercial content" that encourages kids to spend money. In addition, kids' content with paid promotions will now include an easy to read disclosure and a link with additional information including an animal explainer video for kids and a guide for parents.

The company will also allow minors or their parents to request to have their pictures removed from Google's Image Search feature, a notable change because Google has historically taken a hands-off approach when it comes to managing its search engine. Google also said it will block targeted advertising based on the age, gender or interests of people under 18.

Read more -here-


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