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Blue Origin just sent Jeff Bezos into space

2021-07-20 17:48 by
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With company founder Jeff Bezos on board, a Blue Origin spacecraft completed the company's first passenger journey into space on Tuesday morning.

The voyage, which took mere minutes, was the first human spaceflight for Blue Origin, the space exploration company Bezos founded in 2000. After the capsule touched down shortly after 9 a.m., Blue Origin employees rushed to ensure all passengers were safe and ground the spacecraft, which carried a static charge from its trip skyward. Then, they released the door, allowing Bezos, his brother, Mark, 18-year-old Oliver Daemen, and 82-year-old Wally Funk to disembark.

When the New Shepard journeyed to the edge of space, Funk became the oldest-ever US astronaut, breaking John Glenn's record. She traveled to space for the first time nearly six decades after training for it in the 1960s with a group of female aviators known as the Mercury 13.

Blue Origin hasn't revealed its price for a ride to space. Two more passenger flights are planned by year's end, said Blue Origin CEO Bob Smith.

Jeff Bezos thanked every Amazon employee, and every Amazon customer. He said that he finances the rocket company by selling $1 billion worth of Amazon stock each year.

Read more -here-


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