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Broadcom settles FTC broadband chip monopoly charges

2021-07-06 19:30 by
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The US Federal Trade Commission has sued chip maker Broadcom for allegedly abusing a monopoly on semiconductor components. A newly issued complaint accuses Broadcom of threatening to charge higher prices, refuse technical support, or cut off chip sales if its customers bought other products from competing companies.

Broadcom's alleged misconduct affected the distribution of video set-top boxes and internet modems, and harmed competition, the FTC said.

Under the settlement, which must still be approved by a court, Broadcom will refrain from engaging in those types of business deals. And, according to an agency release, "the proposed order prohibits Broadcom from retaliating against customers for doing business with Broadcom's competitors."

The chipset giant hasn't exactly won favor from regulators in recent years. It spent 2017 and 2018 aggressively trying to buy Qualcomm, only to give up after the White House blocked the deal. We wouldn't expect regulators to make too many concessions as a result, even if a settlement seems likely. Broadcom hasn't been shy about wanting to dominate the chip business - the FTC will want assurances the company won't push boundaries in the future.

Read more -here-


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