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SpaceX wants to bring Starlink Internet to cars, boats, and airplanes

2021-03-08 18:08 by
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SpaceX is seeking regulatory approval to connect its rapidly growing network of internet-beaming Starlink satellites to cars, trucks, shipping boats, and aircraft. The system is currently designed to supply 150Mbps and up broadband speeds to people's residences.

The request, filed last Friday with the Federal Communications Commission, marks SpaceX's biggest step yet toward connecting Starlink to the automotive sector, a potentially lucrative line of business that would expand the company's current stationary offerings from rural homes.

"Granting this application would serve the public interest by authorizing a new class of ground-based components for SpaceX's satellite system that will expand the range of broadband capabilities available to moving vehicles throughout the United States and to moving vessels and aircraft worldwide," SpaceX told the FCC. Internet users are no longer "willing to forego connectivity while on the move, whether driving a truck across the country, moving a freighter from Europe to a US port, or while on a domestic or international flight," SpaceX said.

SpaceX recently told the FCC it has more than 10,000 Starlink users in the United States and abroad, after launching more than 1,100 high-speed internet satellites.

Read more -here-


  User Reviews/Comments:
by Philip - 2021-03-09 23:31
This is a big one.. Current satellite internet offerings for boats/ships are ridiculously expensive and competition in that market would be great!
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