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Xiaomi says its 'Air Charge' technology works over several meters

2021-01-29 17:51 by
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Chinese electronics giant Xiaomi has teased the new "Mi Air Charge Technology" on Thursday, a new wireless charging technology, which will let users remotely charge their electronic devices (including smart phones) without any cables, pads, or wireless charging stands. Instead, users will be able to charge their devices 'over-the-air'.

Xiaomi claims the tech will allow multiple electronic devices to be charged with a 5W current from meters away simultaneously. It uses a combination of 144 antennas and beamforming to accurately detect when a device is in range of the wireless charger and triggers charging to commence using "an extremely narrow millimeter-wide wave beam." Xiaomi claims that physical objects don't reduce the charging efficiency, but this must have some caveats.

Xiaomi teases that its Mi Air Charge tech would be eventually compatible with smartwatches, fitness bands, and other wearables. This kind of remote charging has been hyped up for years now, but no company has ever successfully commercialized it.

Xiaomi is no stranger to charging innovation, having introduced 80W wireless charging and 120W wired charging, but its previous advancements were more incremental rather than revolutionary. If the company manages to turn this into something more than just a tech demo — and it's exactly that according to Xiaomi Product PR spokesperson Agatha Tang — then it'll be one of those revolutionary technologies that change the way we use our devices.

Read more -here-
Watch the demo here:


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