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Walmart partners with Cruise for autonomous deliveries in Arizona

2020-11-11 18:18 by
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U.S. retailer Walmart and autonomous vehicle company Cruise are pairing up to test grocery delivery in Scottsdale, Arizona. As part of the pilot, which is scheduled to begin in early 2021, customers will be able to place orders from a Walmart store and have them delivered via one of Cruise's electric self-driving Chevy Bolts.

This will save you time and money while also helping to reduce Walmart's impact on the planet, the company said. It also suggested this was particularly helpful while the COVID-19 pandemic raged on, noting that it was a truly "contact-free" delivery option.

The pilot program with Cruise is just the latest in a string of autonomous partnerships by Walmart. The retailer has previously teamed up with Nuro to conduct autonomous deliveries in Houston, while they also worked with Ford to explore how autonomous vehicles could be optimized for delivery purposes.

In October, Cruise obtained a permit from the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) that will allow it to test autonomous vehicles on public roads in San Francisco. While Cruise has had state authority to pilot driverless cars with safety drivers since 2015, the new license enables it to test five autonomous vehicles without a driver behind the wheel on specified city streets.

Read more -here-


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