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A simple trick allows to watch YouTube videos without any ads

2020-06-12 17:46 by


YouTube ads are a necessary evil, no matter how annoying they might be. The service is free, after all, and advertisements are what make it possible. Both Google and creators get paid that way. Google gets to keep the lights up and continue to offer its services for free, and YouTubers can keep creating content you want to watch. However, Reddit users have recently shared an easy way to remove all ads from videos.

Adding a simple "." after the ".com" part of a YouTube URL still loads the video as normal because YouTube and some pay-walled sites fail to normalize or modify small mistakes like that in a uniform manner. But while the URL for the video still works, it trips up other things like cookies and ads that require an exact and error-free URL. The result? A YouTube video uninterrupted by ads.

This trick only works on the desktop version of YouTube, so you'll have to request that version of the site on your mobile browser if you're trying to view videos on your phone. Also, the "period hack" is great for those one-off times moments you're trying to watch a YouTube video and find yourself thwarted, or annoyed, by advertising. However, it's not ideal if you're planning to do an extended session of YouTube binge-watching.

It is likely YouTube will fix the loophole discovered by the Reddit users soon, and users will again need to find other ways to bypass YouTube ads.

Read more -here-


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