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Qualcomm announces new Wi-Fi 6E chipsets

2020-05-28 17:10 by
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Qualcomm has announced its next-gen wireless chips that support the new Wi-Fi 6E standard. The "E" in Wi-Fi 6E stands for "extended" and supported devices will be able to operate on the newly opened 6GHz spectrum. That frequency range promises more than double the capacity of 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi combined, and should avoid the interference from competing with legions of existing devices — at least, until 6GHz becomes commonplace.

There are two Qualcomm chips being announced today, the FastConnect 6700 and FastConnect 6900. They have theoretical speeds of 3Gbps and 3.6Gbps, respectively. Both of these support the maximum size of WiFi channels, which is 160MHz on 5GHz and 6GHz. They are also based on a 14 nanometer (nm) process with an architecture that may result in power-savings of up to 50% (compared to what, Qualcomm did not mention). The FastConnect 6700 and 6900 systems are sampling now and will ship in devices during the second half of 2020.

Qualcomm is also rolling out router platforms (Networking Pro 1610, 1210, 810 and 610) that use the new WiFi 6E standard to improve capacity and performance. The Networking Pro platform will be particularly useful for mesh networks and other WiFi setups where many devices might share the same network.

Qualcomm is promising up to 16 simultaneous WiFi 6E streams and up to 10.8Gbps peak speed. In theory, it can juggle up to 2,000 users at once while maintaining a reliable, usable network. That's an extreme circumstance you'll only see with offices and public hotspots (not major issues right now), but it should reduce the chances that a family member’s 4K movie stream will mess with your videoconferencing.

Read more -here-


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