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Boston Dynamics robot dog enforces lockdown in Singapore

2020-05-11 17:57 by
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In an attempt to limit the number of government employees tending to parks, Singapore is implementing robot dogs to police the public regarding social distancing measures amid the coronavirus pandemic. On Friday, the government announced it would start deploying Spot, Boston Dynamics' famous yellow and black canine robot, at one local park.

An attached camera enables Spot to determine crowd levels at any given moment, with officials promising that the technology at no point tracks, recognizes, or collects personal data linked to specific individuals.

"Let's keep Singapore healthy," Spot said in English as it roamed around. "For your own safety and for those around you, please stand at least one metre apart. Thank you," it added, in a female voice.

"Spot will be controlled remotely, reducing the manpower required for park patrols and minimizing physical contact among staff, volunteer safe distancing ambassadors, and park visitors [to] lower the risk of exposure to the virus," officials said in a release, adding, "Unlike wheeled robots, Spot works well across different terrains and can navigate obstacles effectively, making it ideal for operation in public parks and gardens."

Read more -here-


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