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US judge rejects Huawei lawsuit challenging a ban on its products

2020-02-19 17:35 by


U.S. District Judge Amos Mazzant has rejected a lawsuit filed by Chinese tech company Huawei challenging the constitutionality of a law that banned federal agencies from buying its products.

Huawei filed the suit nearly a year ago, claiming that Congress had failed to provide evidence to support a law that stopped government agencies from buying its equipment, services, or working with third parties that are Huawei customers.

Mazzant pushed back on those claims, writing in his 57-page ruling that "the court finds Huawei's arguments unpersuasive." Moreover, he wrote that Huawei is not, as it argued, prevented from participating in its chosen line of work. Rather, the company "can still conduct business with every other company and individual in America as well as the remaining 169 countries and regions it currently does business with throughout the world".

The decision comes as the United States has a wide-ranging effort underway to prevent Huawei technology from being used in sensitive telecommunications equipment in the United States or elsewhere.

Read more -here-


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