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Wi-Fi Alliance announces "Wi-Fi 6E"

2020-01-06 11:57 by


Wi-Fi 6 is going to be expanded into 6GHz spectrum, alongside existing 2.4GHz and 5GHz coverage, with this fresh spectrum set to be classified as Wi-Fi 6E, and initially supported by devices such as smartphones and consumer routers.

As with other Wi-Fi technologies, Wi-Fi 6E will still be compatible with Wi-Fi 6, 5, 4, and earlier versions. The spectrum in question will be continuous, able to accommodate 14 80MHz channels and 7 more 160MHz channels.

Used individually or collectively with existing 2.4GHz and 5GHz channels, these new frequencies promise to dramatically increase the amount of data that one or more devices will be able to share on a local network. Virtual reality, 8K video streaming, and other next-generation technologies will all benefit from the additional bandwidth, while other Wi-Fi devices won't have to fight for ever-shrinking slices of the network's pie.

"6GHz is well suited to facilitate Wi-Fi's continued growth in these areas due to its adjacency to 5GHz where Wi-Fi already operates, greater availability of wider channel sizes, and accessibility to clear spectrum with less interference from legacy Wi-Fi 4 or Wi-Fi 5 devices," the alliance said. "Wi-Fi 6E devices will leverage wider channels and additional capacity to deliver greater network performance and support more Wi-Fi users at once, even in very dense and congested environments."

Read more -here-


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