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Google stops rollout of Chrome 79 for Android

2019-12-16 19:23 by
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Google has paused the rollout of Chrome 79 on Android after mobile app developers reported a major bug that was deleting user data and resetting mobile apps. The bug occurred during the update process from Chrome 78 to Chrome 79. In Chrome 79, Google developers changed the location of the Chrome directory.

The bug appears to only affect apps that use Android's built-in WebView – a feature that allows users to view web pages within an app. Some apps, such as DuckDuckGo rely entirely on WebView in order to operate.

Thankfully, previous data was not actually deleted, but because Chrome 79 for Android is pointing apps to look for local data in the wrong location, apps that relied on WebView have no way of properly accessing older data. Technically, the data is still there in the old location but the apps will always report that there is no data because they can't see them in the proper location.

Unfortunately, the fix to all this won't be easy. Even though Google is aware of the issue and has it marked P0 (the highest priority-level), no matter what Google does, some user data may get lost as Chrome 79 has already rolled out to 50 percent of Android users worldwide.

Read more -here-


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