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Boston Dynamics's Spot robot is now available for sale

2019-09-24 18:07 by
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Boston Dynamics announced this morning that Spot, its versatile quadruped robot, is now available for sale. Or, to be more accurate - it can be leased. However, not anyone can buy it - the focus is on businesses.

Boston Dynamics says it wants to get Spots out to initial customers that "either have a compelling use case or a development team that we believe can do something really interesting with the robot," says VP of business development Michael Perry. "Just because of the scarcity of the robots that we have, we're going to have to be selective about which partners we start working together with."

The Spot page takes you to a sales contact link, which doesn't reveal pricing information.

"Our general guidance is that the total cost of the early adopter program lease will be less than the price of a car - but how nice a car will depend on the number of Spots leased and how long the customer will be leasing the robot," Boston Dynamics marketing specialist Natalie Alper told CNET.

Spot can amble around at a little more than five feet per second for 90 minutes at a time. It can also carry a payload of up to about 30 pounds. These characteristics are useful because, right now, it looks like Boston Dynamics is leasing it to companies for things like construction and monitoring oil and gas facilities.

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