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Huawei launches its own operating system

2019-08-12 17:31 by
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Huawei has launched its own operating system — the HongmengOS, known in English as the HarmonyOS. The company says the operating system, a microkernel-based distributed OS, can be used in everything from smartphones to smart speakers, wearables, and in-vehicle systems to create a shared ecosystem across devices. The operating system will be released as an open-source platform worldwide to encourage adoption.

In addition to being a lightweight system, Huawei says HarmonyOS will offer some performance boosts. For one, it'll feature a "Deterministic Latency Engine" that can better allocate system resources using real-time analysis and forecasting. Android, on the other hand, is stuck with the Linux kernel's less-intelligent fair scheduling mechanism.

HarmonyOS also allows for very fast "Inter Process Communication" - the link between its microkernel and external kernel services like file systems, networks, drivers, apps and more. Huawei claims that HarmonyOS' IPC performance is five times that of Google's Fuchsia, and three times that of QNX.

HarmonyOS isn't quite targeting smartphones yet, and the OS will first debut on the "Honor Smart Screen" (which sounds like an Echo Show or Google Home Hub) and Huawei TVs. Huawei said an expansion to smartphones could happen sometime over the next three years, but for now, it wants to stick with Android.

Read more -here-


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