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WhatsApp messages can be intercepted, manipulated

2019-08-08 18:36 by


During a briefing at the annual Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas on August 7, researchers from Israeli security company Check Point revealed how Facebook-owned WhatsApp could be hacked to change the text of a message and the identity of the sender. These vulnerabilities were initially announced last year but WhatsApp has failed to resolve the issues, which remains today.

The flaws could have significant consequences because WhatsApp has about 1.5 billion users, and is used for personal conversations, business communications and political messaging, said Oded Vanunu, Check Point's head of products vulnerability research.

Check Point also launched a tool that would allow users to carry out the manipulations, in order to raise greater awareness of the issue. Facebook responded that they have taken care of the flaws:

"We carefully reviewed this issue a year ago and it is false to suggest there is a vulnerability with the security we provide on WhatsApp," a spokesperson for Facebook Inc., which owns WhatsApp, said in an emailed statement. "The scenario described here is merely the mobile equivalent of altering replies in an email thread to make it look like something a person didn't write. We need to be mindful that addressing concerns raised by these researchers could make WhatsApp less private - such as storing information about the origin of messages."

Read more -here-


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