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Mozilla to launch a paid version of Firefox this fall

2019-06-10 18:32 by
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Mozilla plans to release a paid version of its Firefox browser. In an interview with German website t3n, Mozilla CEO Chris Beard said a premium Firefox is on its way sometime in fall this year.

Firefox Premium (or whatever it ends up being called) would not affect the functionality of the free Firefox browser, but would instead offer additional functionality that we are, perhaps, currently getting elsewhere.

"So, what we want to clarify is that there is no plan to charge money for things that are now free. So we will roll out a subscription service and offer a premium level. And the plan is to introduce the first one this year, towards fall. We aim for October," said Beard.

Mozilla has already experimented with a paid VPN service, which appeared in pilot form last October for $10 per month. Beard also mentioned a secure storage solution during the interview as one potential premium feature.

There's no word on pricing just as of now, but a privacy-focused premium version of Firefox sounds like an enticing offering, at a time when it's hard to avoid being tracked on your digital devices, and when data leaks are rife.

Read more -here-


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