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Sony built an IoT chip that has a range of 60 miles

2019-05-28 17:43 by
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Sony has developed a brand-new IoT chipset that promises a range of 60 miles. The company announced the upcoming release of the CXM1501GR communication module, which is compatible with the Eltres low-power wide area (LPWA) wireless communication standard that Sony created for IoT applications. IoT devices equipped with this communication module can connect to the Eltres IoT Network Service, which is scheduled to launch this coming autumn from Sony Network Communications.

"Most IoT systems wirelessly transfer information obtained by various sensors to cloud servers, where the data is collected and processed, and the output then sent to user devices such as smartphones or tablets for display," Sony said.

This means that instead of relying on WiFi that might have a limited range or using a cellular connection, the range of 60 miles would allow IoT devices to communicate with each other and the network faster and over a greater range. According to Sony, they cite examples of its use, such as tracking your friends on a ski hill, tracking wildlife, locate ships, monitor races, and so on.

At the moment, the tech is limited to Japan, but it could potentially be expanded to other countries.

Read more -here-


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