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Google fixes private browsing bug in Chrome

2019-02-18 17:47 by
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Google Chrome's Incognito mode has long had a loophole that allowed web developers to know when Incognito is running and when it's not. Website developers have used this bug to block users who run private browsing.

Those that've used this mode in the past likely used it to avoid being tracked for advertisements and/or to make sure what they were looking at wasn't part of their internet browser history.

Google never intended for websites to be able to easily detect private browsing sessions, and so it is closing this loophole. According to an internal design document obtained by 9To5Google, Chrome's developers have decided to get rid of the FileSystem API.

This incognito detection prevention feature will arrive in Chrome 74 but it will be behind a flag. Users who know how to enable features using the flag system will be able to access and enable it already. For those who prefer that it is automatically enabled, you'll have to wait until Chrome 76 is released.

Read more -here-


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