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Walmart files patent for stress-tracking cart handle

2018-10-10 17:51 by


Walmart is trying to patent a design for a "biometric feedback cart handle" on a shopping cart that could measure a shopper's heart rate, temperature, speed and the amount of force they apply to the handle as they walk around a store. Such a system would provide valuable information about how shoppers respond to different stores, it said.

According to the patent titled System And Method For Biometric Feedback Cart Handle, the data would be transmitted to a server and used to alert staff when shoppers might need help or medical assistance.

The server could also analyze data from multiple carts and customers to determine if something in a certain part of the store needs to be addressed by one or more associates. More possible attributes include tracking the weight and speed of the cart, and relaying that information to a fitness app on the customer's mobile device; tracking the time since the customer last touched the handle, possibly alerting a safety check; and a pulse oximeter may be used to measure the customer's oxygen saturation, according to the patent application.

For its part, Walmart says the cart handles would go to "sleep" when they're not in use, and wouldn't store any user data. That is, if this patent ever makes it to the real world at all.

Read more -here-


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