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Mozilla claims Google slowed YouTube down on non-Chrome browsers

2018-07-25 15:27 by
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Mozilla executives claim that Google has intentionally slowed YouTube down on browsers other than Chrome. Chris Peterson, the software community's technical program manager, tweeted on Tuesday that the video sharing site loads at a fifth of the speed on non-Chrome browsers due to its architecture.

The issue apparently stems from a deprecated API known as Shadow DOM v0, which is exclusively used by Chrome. This makes Firefox, Microsoft Edge and other browsers take around five times as long to load the same page elements. Before YouTube's Polymer-based makeover, this caused no issues, but it’s certainly been noticeable for the past year.

Fortunately, there's a way to force YouTube back to the old redesign and avoid the slow loading issues on non-Chrome browsers. Reverting back will mean you'll lose the updated design and the dark mode feature in YouTube, though. Firefox users can download a YouTube classic extension to force the site to load properly, while Safari and Edge users will need to use a custom Tampermonkey user script to get the classic design.

Chrome is the most popular web browser and accounts for 59 percent of website usage, according to analytics firm StatCounter. Firefox accounts for 5 percent, while Edge has 2 percent.

Read more -here-


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