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YouTube accused of illegally collecting children's data

2018-04-10 14:41 by


A group of 23 child advocacy and privacy groups have filed a complaint with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) alleging Google has been illegally collecting data and personalizing advertisements to children under 13.

The group, which includes the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC), the Center for Digital Democracy and 21 other organisations, alleges that despite Google claiming that YouTube is only for those aged 13 and above, it knows that children under that age use the site.

The group states that Google collects personal information on children under 13 such as location, device identifiers and phone numbers and tracks them across different websites and services without first gaining parental consent as required by the US Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (Coppa).

"Google profits immensely by delivering ads to kids and must comply with Coppa (US Children's Online Privacy Protection Act). It's time for the FTC to hold Google accountable for its illegal data collection and advertising practices," Josh Golin, a member of the group said.

"While we haven't received the complaint, protecting kids and families has always been a top priority for us. We will read the complaint thoroughly and evaluate if there are things we can do to improve. Because YouTube is not for children, we've invested significantly in the creation of the YouTube Kids app to offer an alternative specifically designed for children," a YouTube spokesperson said.

Read more -here-


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