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New Android spyware can steal data in many ways

2018-01-19 15:51 by
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Security researchers at Trend Micro have discovered a new piece of Android malware present in 53 different apps—one of which was downloaded more than 100,000 times.

Dubbed GhostTeam after strings in the code, the malware was first published in April 2017 and was disguised in the official Android marketplace as utility apps, performance boosters, and social media video downloaders.

GhostTeam steals Facebook credentials, though the reason is unknown. Trend Micro speculates it could be building a "zombie social media army" to spread fake news articles and crypto-mining malware. It also pushes full-screen ads to infected devices, likely to generate click revenue.

The prominent targets of GhostTeam include users in Brazil, India, and Indonesia but researchers are of the opinion that this campaign will spread to other regions most probably to the US.

Read more -here-


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