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Intel announces commercial 5G modem

2017-11-17 17:16 by
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Intel has announced that they have reached a key milestone in the development of its 5G modem that will compete with rival Qualcomm. But, perhaps more importantly, it puts Intel in a more favorable position to be Apple's 5G modems partner. Apple is reportedly working very closely with Intel on the design of a 5G modem chip for future iPhone models.

A 5G iPhone would be revolutionary, and thus, it is no surprise that Intel and Qualcomm are putting their best efforts into helping develop it. A 5G iPhone would be capable of connection speeds of a gigabit per second and beyond. It would transform our ways of computing, communication and consumption of content. However, the transition from existing tech to 5G is a complex process, and it requires better coordination between OEMs and potential vendors.

Intel expects its first 5G chips to roll out in 2019, ahead of the wide rollout of 5G networks. 5G is expected to deliver speeds that are 10 to 100 times faster than the average 4G connection, at a gigabit per second or higher, along with lower latency and other benefits.

Read more -here-


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