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SpaceX to launch internet-beaming satellites by 2019

2017-05-04 14:37 by
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SpaceX has announced that it plans to launch satellites to beam low latency high speed Internet around the world. The company will use its Falcon 9 rockets to launch these satellites. The initial system will use Ka- and Ku-Band spectrum.

The 4425 satellites will operate in 83 different orbits with altitudes between 1100 kilometers and 1325 kilometers. In addition, they will need ground support in the form of base stations that will be in charge of control and other tasks. SpaceX also wants to launch another 7500 satellites that will be even closer to ground. These will be responsible for improving latency and capacity in highly populated areas.

The company hopes to start testing its satellites before the end of this year and continuing through the early months of 2018. If that's successful, the company plans to launch satellites in phases between 2019 and 2024, after which the system will be at full capacity.

Read more -here-


  User Reviews/Comments:
by Philip - 2017-05-05 19:41
4000+ internet satellites with only ~30ms latency and gigabit speeds?! Absolutely, bring it! This will rival fiber networks, and probably cost less.

By contrast, the existing HughesNet satellites orbit at over 35,000km, making the network sluggish because of distance-based latency.
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