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New 'Dok' malware targets Macs

2017-05-01 11:06 by
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A security analysis firm Check Point has discovered a new Trojan horse that affects Mac OS devices. Dubbed Dok, the trojan circumvents both the virus detection built into Macs and third-party antivirus tools.

In its current form, Dok seems to be primarily targeting European users, and as evident from the phishing emails, it attempts to target people with an authentic sounding e-mail message that warns them about issues with their tax returns. The email also contains an attachment which when executed starts the procedure to infect the system.

Dok needs an admin password to successfully compromise a system. It phishes for credentials by displaying full-screen alerts that claim there's an urgent OS X update waiting to be installed.

Once it's taken root, it could hijack and sniff all the traffic entering and leaving a Mac without a user's knowledge. This would include SSL/TLS encrypted connections, because the malware installs a local digital certificate that overrides normal man-in-the-middle warnings and protections.

Currently, the only way to protect a machine from the malware is to not open any attachments from anyone.

Read more -here-


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