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Google could add an ad-blocker to Chrome

2017-04-20 11:06 by
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Google is reportedly planning to add a built-in ad-blocker to its Chrome browser in the next few weeks. The new feature is supposed to be available for both mobile and desktop versions of Chrome.

The option would be opt-in, and it would block "unacceptable" ads as defined by Coalition for Better Ads industry group. The "unacceptable" ads include pop-up ads, autoplay videos, and what are known as prestitial ads, or those ads that are often fullscreen and show up before you’re taken to the homepage or desired website.

It is not clear yet if the feature will block individual ads or all advertising on any site that doesn't meet the "threshold of consumer acceptability."

Of course, the plan offers plenty of potential pitfalls. As an advertiser itself, Google exercising stronger controls over ads will definitely draw criticism from industry peers, and possibly also from antitrust watchdog organizations.

Read more -here-


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