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Yahoo knew about the breach in 2014

2016-11-11 03:19 by


Several months after the announcement that Yahoo was hacked back in 2014, it turns out that Yahoo knew of the massive data breach at the time when it happened. This was discovered by an independent committee of Yahoo's board, which launched an internal probe in August to learn more about the attack.

The company is still investigating how many people inside the company knew there was a data breach, and what they did with that information.

"The Company had identified that a state-sponsored actor had access to the Company's network in late 2014," Yahoo said in a filing. "An Independent Committee of the Board, advised by independent counsel and a forensic expert, is investigating, among other things, the scope of knowledge within the Company in 2014 and thereafter regarding this access, the Security Incident, the extent to which certain users' account information had been accessed."

The recent revelations could make it more difficult for the company to complete a $4.8 billion sale of its operations to Verizon.

Read more -here-


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