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New MIT tool speeds up webpage loading time

2016-03-11 02:57 by
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Researchers at MIT have developed a framework that can reduce page load-times by up to 34 percent. The server-based framework, called Polaris, changes the way that a browser downloads resources like images and JavaScript.

It works by pre-mapping various connections between different objects on a page in order to figure out the most efficient order in which to load the objects. This is different from the typical browser work in which they need to fetch "objects" like HTML files, images, and JavaScript source code, and then evaluate the "dependencies" between them.

"As an example, a browser might have to execute a file's JavaScript code in order to discover more images to fetch and render," wrote the team. "The problem is that browsers can't actually see all of these dependencies because of the way that objects are represented by HTML (the standard format for expressing a webpage's structure). As a result, browsers have to be conservative about the order in which they load objects, which tends to increase the number of cross-network trips and slow down the page load."

The framework has been tested under a range of network conditions on 200 popular websites, including,,, and For now, Polaris will be open sourced, but researches hope that major browsers and web servers will adopt it.

Read more -here-


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