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Yahoo might sell off its Internet business

2015-12-03 02:21 by


A recent report from The Wall Street Journal, suggests that Yahoo is considering a radical move to sell off its Internet business. The company board is expected to have a series of meetings this week to discuss the potential sale and to find options to gain the most from its stake in Alibaba.

The discussion comes 3 years after CEO Marissa Mayer took over Yahoo and started efforts to revitalize the internet company. Obviously, those attempts haven't created significant shareholder value over the last several years. Actually, Yahoo stock price has doubled during this period but this is mostly due to the company's stake in Alibaba.

Yahoo's core business includes popular services like Yahoo Mail, news and sports sites. According to reports, if the sale is approved, they could be attractive for private equity firms, media and telecom companies.

Yahoo hasn't yet commented on the report.

Read more -here-


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