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BT Achives 5Gbps On Copper Connection Using G.Fast

2015-10-23 02:08 by


Engineers at UK telecom BT Group Plc have achieved broadband speeds of 5Gbps over existing copper lines in lab trials. The experimental technology, called XG.FAST is in the early stages of development but may be a "potential future development of broadband technology".

In its Adastral Park lab, the company in collaboration with equipment supplier Alcatel-Lucent was able to hit 5.6 gigabit per second full-duplex transmissions over 35 metres of copper cable. The technology also performed well over longer distances - over 100 metres, the technology delivered speeds of 1.8 Gbps.

"These are exciting results. We know that will transform the UK's broadband landscape but these results also give us confidence the technology has significant headroom should we need it in the future," Mike Galvin, Managing Director of Next Generation Access for BT’s Technology Service & Operations division, commented.

XG.FAST uses up to 500 MHz of bandwidth over copper cabling, and includes the use of vectoring for noise-cancelling and line-pair bonding for increased throughput.

Read more -here-


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