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LightSquared still fighting over GPS spectrum interference testing

2015-08-21 11:23 by
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Failed satellite Internet provider LightSquared still hopes to proove that its spectrum does not interfere with GPS frequencies. In order to persuade the FCC that its service is not a threat for GPS services, LightSquared has hired an outside adviser, Roberson and Associates, to conduct tests to determine where interference may occur between LightSquared's spectrum and how it can be resolved.

However, GPS services companies, such as Trimble, Garmin and John Deere disagreed to submit to Roberson & Associates, on a confidential basis, business and technical information for the study. The GPS Innovation Alliance isn't happy about the tests as well. It considers the testing being conducted by Roberson to be duplicative.

Despite mass disapproval, LightSquared has informed FCC that it will still conduct its own testing and that it had reached out the GPS industry for their input. According to LightSquared:

GPSIA "has now made clear that despite ampleopportunity to do so, it does not wish to provide useful input or help to the Roberson testing. While input from GPSIA and its members was solicited in the spirit of openness and transparency, Roberson is proceeding with testing devices that are most representative of each category of GPS devices, and thus the most significant portions of the market for such devices, as planned."

Read more -here-


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