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US Government Pays $50 Million Settlement for Pirating Software

2013-12-03 10:05 by
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The U.S. government has agreed to pay $50 million to the software company Apptricity after settling a $180 million case that the Army pirated the company's software. Apptricity filed a suit last year, after discovering that their product was accessed by more than the 500 names that had been licensed, reports the BBC.

In 2004, Apptricity agreed with the US Army to license the troop-movement software, allowing the government to use it on five servers and 150 standalone devices. Despite the deal, the Army has used the software worldwide - on 9,000 devices and an additional 88 servers.

"The Army has used Apptricity's integrated transportation logistics and asset management software across the Middle East and other theaters of operation. The Army has also used the software to coordinate emergency management initiatives, including efforts following the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti," the company said.

Apptricity expects to continue doing business with the US military nevertheless.

"Now that this process is behind us, it is envisioned the Apptricity and Army relationship will continue to grow exponentially," says Tim McHale, an Apptricity senior adviser and retired major-general.

Read more -here-


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