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Microsoft to Encrypt Internet Traffic to Stop NSA Spying

2013-11-28 09:15 by
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Microsoft plans to encrypt more of its Internet traffic as the world's largest software company responds to revelations about online spying by the National Security Agency. It turns out that Microsoft's Hotmail, Windows Live Messenger services and Passport communications were scanned by software called Monkey Puzzle, which was developed at the British snooping nerve-center GCHQ. Reaching into the private unencrypted interlinks allows both intelligence agencies to effectively spy on Microsoft customers, and copy their messages and address books, it is claimed. While Microsoft hasn't publicly revealed more details about its plans, comments from Brad Smith, Microsoft's general counsel, at its annual shareholder meeting point to a future with a Microsoft that's better equipped to combat government surveillance.

"These allegations are very disturbing. If they are true these actions amount to hacking and seizure of private data and in our view are a breach of the protection guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. "We're focused on engineering improvements that will further strengthen security, including strengthening security against snooping by governments," Smith said.

Read more -here-


  User Reviews/Comments:
by drbaltazar - 2013-11-29 08:11
rofl ! ms boss must be happy ! they had a lot of technology sleeping in warehouse and engineer with too much time looking for a huge challenge ! this might be just the ticket! hopefully ms will call steve Gibson and his ally to get an idea on how things should evolve cause clearly just encrypting isn't gona cut it . ms will need some kind of SQRL ( is a work in progress but all the big guns in security are agreeing . old www are dead web need to evolve
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