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Qualcomm wants LTE deployed on unlicensed spectrum

2013-11-22 09:27 by
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Qualcomm's CEO Paul Jacobs disclosed Wednesday that Qualcomm now plans to push the use of LTE in unlicensed radio spectrum, the approach used for short-range technologies like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Speaking at a meeting Wednesday with analysts, Jacobs was quick to state that the move is not designed to "step on" Wi-Fi, which Qualcomm makes a great deal of money supporting.

"We've been working on this for a while which is, we're actually putting LTE into the unlicensed bands," says Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs, "up till now Bluetooth and Wi-Fi have mostly used unlicensed bands. There is a tremendous amount of spectrum that's been allocated around the world in unlicensed bands."

"There is no reason why we shouldn't put LTE into it. In fact there are many reasons why we should. We paid for that very sophisticated LTE receiver in the devices, it's a better receiver than the receiver that's been used for Wi-Fi. That means you get better capacity and better coverage out of an LTE unlicensed deployment."

One of the latest achievements of LTE is a trend to aggregate different swaths of radio spectrum to create the equivalent of a broader highway to users, boosting how many bits can arrive per second. Another is using LTE in a one-way broadcast mode, an aid in letting people watch live events like concerts and sports contests in a way that doesn't clog the airwaves.

Read more -here-


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