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MPAA claims Google enables 'piracy'

2013-09-19 09:29 by
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In its recent study, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) claims that Google and other search engines play "a significant role" in directing consumers to pirated movies and TV shows, noting that Google's search results sometimes lead to infringing material.

According to the study, 58 percent of searches that led to sites with pirated content "contained generic or title-specific keywords only, indicating that consumers who were not even seeking infringing content in the first place were directed" to the pirate sites.

"This study shows that there is much more that search engines must do when it comes to pointing consumers towards legal outlets. By supporting legitimate sites rather than illegal ones, everyone wins – content creators, the U.S. economy, and consumers themselves," Rep. Adam Schiff (D-California) said in a statement.

"This study reaffirms the significant responsibility that search engines share with all of us in the Internet ecosystem to help prevent the theft of movies and TV shows online," said former US Senator and MPAA chairman Chris Dodd.

Google announced late last year that it had removed 50 million web pages from its index in response to the same piracy reports that the MPAA study mentions as part of Google's transparency reporting.

Read more -here-


  User Reviews/Comments:
by Htos1 - 2013-09-25 19:24
Yeah,Google is the first place I always go to download anything-NOT!
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