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AOL attempts to take on TV with 15 new shows

2013-05-02 09:50 by


AOL made several announcements yesterday at NewFronts that aim to put the company at the leading edge of the digital video boom — and at the head of the line to snag TV ad budgets. The Internet company unveiled 15 new digital series in the presentation to advertisers.

AOL also used its NewFronts event to announce a deeper push into branded entertainment—an area that continues to attract major advertiser interest. Essentially, AOL wants to become a one-stop resource for brands looking for production and distribution help for their own content.

"Consumers are watching web video everywhere and all the time—on their plasma screens in their living rooms, on their mobile phones and on their tablets," said Karen Cahn, general manager of AOL On Original Video, in a statement. "With our premium-quality original programming, AOL is bridging the gap between what people see on broadcast TV and what they see online."

During the event, AOL CEO announced that his team had actually closed a deal during the presentation. The digital agency Razorfish, in partnership with Digitas and LBi, locked up the business channel on the AOL On Network at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, giving their clients exclusivity on the new AOL series Funded and Acting Disruptive.

Read more -here-


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