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Pirate Party wins 3 seats in Icelandic election

2013-04-29 10:32 by


Iceland has elected three members of the Pirate Party to its national Parliament. Iceland's unicameral parliament, known in Icelandic as the Alþing ("All-thing"), has just 63 members to represent the country's 320,000 people. The Pirates are a grass-roots political movement in Europe, fighting for Internet freedom, online privacy and transparent government.

The three new Icelandic lawmakers include Jon Þor Olafsson, a business administration student at the University of Iceland; Helgi Hrafn Gunnarsson, a computer programmer; and Birgitta Jonsdottir, a well-known WikiLeaks volunteer and former member of parliament from 2009 to 2013.

In just a matter of months the new Pirate Party achieved a lot of positive press and hundreds of people signed up to become a member. After today's election win the party is expected to grow even further.

Read more -here-


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