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Anonymous leads 300+ websites in April 22 blackout to protest CISPA

2013-04-22 10:02 by
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A few days after the House of Representative passed the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA, by a vote of 288 to 127, hackers from the Anonymous group have called for an Internet Blackout day on Monday April 22. And instead of just abandoning the internet as the name may imply, the goal is to help spread awareness of the dangers of CISPA.

Today, more than 300 websites have agreed to block themselves voluntarily. A list of websites joining the protest include hacker and Anonymous-based sites, as well as a bunch of Tumblr accounts. Hundreds, but woefully short of prestigous names and services that would secure at least a passing glance by those with the power to stop the bill going through.

"We are going dark on MONDAY April 22nd at 6 a.m. GMT for 24 hours to protest your illogical and terrorizing bill against the Internet itself. Even with the whole Internet crying out to stop this BILL, the US House of Representatives failed to do so blinded by lobbyist's money and cum in your eyes. So we will take action ourselves and open your eyes," the group says on one of its websites.

"Every popular/mainstream websites [sic] will be black until you, Mr. DronObama promise us to use your VETO power to stop this bill at Senate. Take this as a protest or a warning, as you wish. One thing is for certain, neither you or anyone else in this world can control the Internet, so don't even try. Stop wasting taxpayers' money into doing these kind of shenanigans."

Read more -here-
To support this cause in protecting internet privacy, you can sign a petition here: Petition or Electronic Frontier Foundation


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