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Patch Tuesday: Microsoft Updates IE, RDP, Certificate Tool

2012-06-13 09:09 by


Microsoft released seven security bulletins addressing 26 unique vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer, and other applications as part of June's Patch Tuesday release on June 12. The company separately announced changes to its automatic updater to block untrusted security certificates. Microsoft updated the updater tool after researchers at Kaspersky Lab uncovered how the Flame malware had gamed the process.

The new automatic updater feature provides a mechanism that allows Windows to specifically flag certificates as untrusted. In August, Microsoft is also planning to release a change to how Windows manages certificates that have RSA keys of less than 1024 bits in length.

Microsoft admitted that one of the baker's dozen was already being exploited by hackers, raising the importance of applying the update immediately.

"Microsoft is aware of limited attacks attempting to exploit the vulnerability," stated the company's advisory, which divulged no other details of the ongoing exploits. The vulnerability affects only IE8, the 2009 version that remains the most widely used version of Microsoft's browser.

Read more -here-


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