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Mozilla is first major tech company to denounce CISPA

2012-05-02 11:51 by
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Mozilla has become the first tech company that come out against CISPA. Other tech companies have expressed their support to the bill. Some of them are Facebook, Oracle, Symantec, Verizon, AT&T, Intel, and trade association CTIA, which counts representatives of T-Mobile, Sybase, Nokia, and Qualcomm as board members. Another major company that hasn't yet chosen a side on CISPA, is Google.

Mozilla expressed its protest against the bill with the following statement:

"While we wholeheartedly support a more secure Internet, CISPA has a broad and alarming reach that goes far beyond Internet security. The bill infringes on our privacy, includes vague definitions of cybersecurity, and grants immunities to companies and government that are too broad around information misuse. We hope the Senate takes the time to fully and openly consider these issues with stakeholder input before moving forward with this legislation."

CISPA is now on its way to the Senate and with the White House threatening to veto the bill, hopefully will fall by the wayside.

Read more -here-


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