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Google and Mozilla join anti-SOPA / PIPA protest

2012-01-18 11:31 by
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Google and Mozilla have joined the raft of companies opposing the Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) and the PROTECT IP Act (Pipa) in the US.

"We know from experience that these powers are on the wish list of oppressive regimes throughout the world," said David Drummond, Google's senior vice president for corporate development and chief legal officer, in a blog post.

"Sopa and Pipa also eliminate due process. They provide incentives for American companies to shut down, block access to and stop servicing US and foreign websites that copyright and trademark owners allege are illegal without any due process or ability of a wrongfully targeted website to seek restitution."

The bills would enable the U.S. Department of Justice to shut down websites that "engage in, enable, or facilitate" copyright infringement. Supporters include the motion picture industry, the recording industry, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and big unions — all of which say international Internet piracy is killing jobs in America.

Read more -here-


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