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Wikipedia to shut down Wednesday in SOPA and PIPA protest

2012-01-17 11:37 by
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Wikipedia is among hundreds of websites that will be showing just how they feel about SOPA by going dark Wednesday. The English-language version of Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, will be shut down for 24 hours in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act and PIPA, the Protect Intellectual Property Act, now working their way through Congress.

Nearly 800 members of Wikipedia have been debating and voting whether the English-version of the site should participate in a blackout since December. Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Wikipedia, confirmed the site's decision on Monday on Twitter, writing: "Student warning! Do your homework early. Wikipedia protesting bad law on Wednesday!"

Jimmy Wales, told the BBC:

"Proponents of Sopa have characterised the opposition as being people who want to enable piracy or defend piracy. But that's not really the point. The point is the bill is so over broad and so badly written that it's going to impact all kinds of things that, you know, don't have anything to do with stopping piracy."

Read more -here-


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