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Web site exposes BitTorrent users’ IP addresses and downloads

2011-12-13 12:18 by
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A new web site, "You Have Downloaded" ,tracks what users have downloaded from file-sharing sites based on IP addresses. The site intends to scare and worry users who download music, movies, TV shows and applications frequently without precautions.

The Russia based service, which claims to track about 20 per cent of all public Bit Torrent downloads, displays the user's IP address and what you have downloaded, immediately when you visit the web site.

To date, Youhavedownloaded has a database of more 52,286,000 users and 110,800 torrents made up of 1,918,000 individual files. A glance at the homepage shows a small sample of what people have downloaded, including the film "Spy Kids 4," the AMC show "The Walking Dead" and season four of FX's "Sons of Anarchy."

Read more -here-


  User Reviews/Comments:
by Dexter Morgan - 2011-12-13 18:31
It's a joke site. Don’t take it seriously, really, see link at bottom left of site. You are all so gullible!
by sava700 - 2011-12-13 19:25
yeah a worthless site... I've downloaded hundreds of things over torrents in the last several years and it says no records so ...hah!
by anonymous - 2011-12-14 21:06
it says about 20% did u really expect to find ur ip listed lol
by Philip - 2011-12-21 11:02
It is not a joke site. Even if it only catches a small percentage of torrents, it is a real crawler that shines a light on what private companies hired by the RIAA/MPAA are already doing to sniff information.
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