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The Expendables Makers Dismiss Massive BitTorrent Lawsuit

2011-08-26 09:44 by
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The lawsuit against 23,322 U.S. BitTorrent users who illegally downloaded the film "The Expandables" was surprisingly droped by the makers of the film. This lawsuit was set to be the biggest file-sharing lawsuit ever.

Nu Image has voluntarily dismissed the case after judgement from District Court Judge Robert Wilkins. Wilkins ruled that the company could only pursue a case against people likely to be living in the District of Columbia. The reason for this is that if an individual's IP address is located in any other district they couldn’t be served with a subpoena.

Nu Image attorneys wrote in a brief to the court: "Plaintiff hereby gives notice that it voluntarily dismisses the case in its entirety, without prejudice."

Since 2010 the United States Copyright Group (USCG) has sued tens of thousands of BitTorrent users who allegedly shared films without the consent of copyright holders.

Read more -here-


  User Reviews/Comments:
by sava700 - 2011-08-26 15:55
no surprised...they couldn't do much anyway.
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