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File-Sharers Denied Official Religion Status in Sweden

2011-07-11 09:06 by


A group of self-confessed file sharers in Sweden have tried to make their newly-founded religion officially recognized by the authorities. By having their religion officially accepted, the members of the Church of Kopimism hope that they would be immune from prosecution. However, the Swedish authorities have denied the request for the second time in succession.

The founder of the Missionary Church of Kopimism, Isak Gerson explains the reasons for the first rejection:

"The application was rejected in early April this year. It was rejected because Swedish law requires a religious communion to have a formalized way of praying or meditation. Our formalized traditions were specified at the time."

When the pirates applied for second time, they formalized their official rituals, including meditation over shared information and the act of copying. But they had been denied the right to start a church in Sweden again.

"This time, we can't really see any real reason for our denial. We adjusted our application just the way the Swedish authorities needed, and they still denied us the right to form a church," Gerson said.

Read more -here-


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