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Skype releases Windows fix after massive login glitch

2011-05-27 10:05 by
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VoIP service Skype has suffered a major outage that affected the service and its website yesterday. The company has released a Windows update, in order to let users log back into the system. A fix for MAC machines is expected later today but Skype users running Linux must continue to use the manual fix for now.

The reason for the glitch still remains unclear but the company claims it's a "fairly technical" problem. However it didn't affect the service on mobiles, TVs or other devices.

According to the company  "a corruption occurred in a small percentage of users' systems that resulted in some of our community not being able to sign in to Skype. We issued some instructions which would allow you to get back online, but understand that they're fairly technical, and have been working hard to produce a version of Skype for Windows which fixes this problem automatically"

Read more -here-


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